This morning we had no cold water from the taps in the bathroom. The hot is fine and both hot and cold are running in the kitchen. My husband thinks it could possibly be an airlock, but isn't sure. Any ideas on what it could be - and how to put it right, as it's a bit of a bind to say the least. All help very welcome.
It could be an air lock but experiance tells me it is more likley to be a worn tap washer that has worked loose off the jumper and jammed into the valve seating of the tap blocking the flow. Try isolating the water supply and undo the tap body take out the tap head and replace the washer you may have to pick out the old one with a tool such as a screwdriver or long-nosed pliers if it is jammed in to the seating.
If a second outlet has gone wrong suddenly then its almost ceertainly not an airlock and silt getting in the pipes, collecting at a low point and blocking it sounds perfectly feasible. But how did silt get in there.
it could be an air lock if your basin and toilet are gravity fed from the tank . best solution would be to convert them all to mains as it is more hygenic especially to the basin. normally this would not be a big job . failing this you need to get rid of the air lock by either syphoning water out of the tap (sucking)or connect it on to mains water and back fill down your cold tap that isnt working using a hose pipe, but as gasman said check its not the washer first!!!!!!
We've only been in this house barely four months so these are inherited problems. I doubt whether the pipes or tank has been checked for about thirty years so we will have our work cut out.
My husband has just written down all of your suggestions and will try them all. Thank you so much for your help.