Adaware is an excellent spyware utility that is completely free.
It doesn't run in the background - you have to set it to scan once a week or so, and doesn't conflict. Download it here
You need a firewall - I like ZoneAlarm ee/
And an antivirus that runs continuously - I like AVG: s/
A2 is an antitrojan - run once a week. Download the free version:
All of the above are free - but the firewall may conflict with your Virgin freebie.
I too am with Virgin and prefer to use the above instead of Virgin's security.
There are other freebies you can use in addition to the above - I particularly like XCleaner and Spybot.
No doubt other people have their own favourites.
But if you want to keep Virgin security, download and run Adaware and A2.
Here is Spybot if you want that as well. h_destroy/