Business & Finance0 min ago
dentist gas
6 Answers
doese any one know if dentist still use gas. as i need some work done and i realy hate the drill i know you cant feel pain but it realy freeks me out when i do hear it. and if so who is likey to us eit as my dentist doese not.
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.they might use gas at a dental hospital in your will have to enquire at the dentists..i had a tooth out and because they dont use gas anymore..i had to pay and go to a dentist that was registered for they gave me a needle and i fell asleep..and woke up and my tooth was gone..that cost me �50 9 years i dread to think what it costs now..if its fillings you need doing they didnt used to give gas to get them done..also their are some dentists that specialise in nervous cases..i feel for you as i am terrified of the dentist..i kicked one once when i was a child and he fell on top of his trolley and i ran like mad and escaped..
I used to work in a dental surgery.The dentist would give very nervous patients the choice of being sedated,but not completely asleep.He would use valium tablets or an injection of valium in the arm.It was very successful although your awake,and still need injections in your mouth For most patients it was really effective,your that out of it and relaxed,you wouldnt care if your leg was chopped of lol.And the majority of patients didn`t remember a thing,you need someone to take you home afterwards and you then sleep it off.Not all dentists do this,try and find one that specialises in nervous patients.Another dentist used gas in the same way,not to put you asleep but relax you.I don`t think that was as effective and the gas made a few patients feel/be sick.
Gas is rarely used now because I believe it caused complications in the past and a dentist would require a qualified anaesthatist to attend and administer it. Modern injections are a bit unpleasant but painless once the jaw area is frozen. Could you try some really good earplugs to reduce the noise of the drilling? I agree the sound does seem to go right through you but if you just lie back and try to relax, the time often passes more quickly than you imagine.
I sympathise, I have a strong dislike of dentists as mine slapped me when I was nine years old after I cried because he drilled my tongue!! I had to have sedation many years later just to have my teeth cleaned. Long story but a friend in France took my teeth out, fully qualified of course, under a general anaethesia. Given up on dentists here, go to France, Bordeaux Hospital has a dental hospital
I last had gas anaesthesia in 2001 in a local dentist surgery,It was one of the most pleasant ways I had had for dental extractions.I always remebered having it as a young child,They pop a small black mask over your nose and a kind of rubbery gas blows under your a child it seemed to take ages to go to sleep,But having it again as a 26yr old it was very quick.It was only offered to me as I have an extreme needle/Iv phobia.In 2002 my dentist had to stop use of it due to new laws,but he now refers me to the local hospital where day case surgery unit offers Ga for dentistry.I had 2 wisdom teeth removed under Gas 4months ago,whilst slightly different than having it done in dental surgery,i found it a more pleasent way to be put to sleep yet again.What a shame dentists wont consider using it again,if not just for nervous adults like myself.