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Flirting when in a relationship.....

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fiest82 | 12:28 Mon 30th Jul 2007 | Body & Soul
37 Answers
Would you feel comfortable if you or your partner/spouse flirted with someone at work or anywhere else on a regular basis? Even if you are not the jealous type, if the flirting continued and went as far as emails, phonecalls, maybe even meetings ...... where would you draw the line?
This is directed to people who are not single by the way :)



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but you said nothing you can do to stop that. I dont tell my bloke what to do but there is a limit
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I think it all depends on the person and their comfort level, some people just dont care, but those that do, their partners should respect that and not carry on for selfish reasons ....
Very well said fiest82 :)
There is nothing I can do is there????? What shall I do, tell him not to speak to any female......but then what if he decides he wants to be gay, better tell him the male friends have to go too!!!!! My husband is fully aware that I am not one to be walked over!
Hey MrBen.x ;-)
window shopping isnt cheating MrBen, if it was then my fella would be cheating on me with a heck of a lot of TV stars and Im cheating on him with Robson Green.
You can find others attractive even if in a relationship. Its not having the urge to act on that that shows a strong and true relationship.
no there isnt but you should have some respect if it gets too far. Blokes prefer women who dont get that jelous though
well said again fiest,different people have certain things they wont take.I wouldnt stophim from talking to anyone as hes his own person,but whats the need for flirting,i think it is a confidence issue,you want to know if other people still find you attractive.
and agree with redcrx just coz I'm with with someone doesnt make evrey other male ugly
I should have some respect????????x
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About confidence, it seems these people lack confidence, those who enjoy ''giving and receiving'' ... maybe its something they should work on and improve, in other ways? Like take some confidence coaching classes etc???
Yeah sorry redcrx, i was being sarcastic : )
course window shopping isnt cheating. Its fine to look at others as long as thats all it is...
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by the above, i meant flirting of course
I think some people are just naturally flirty.x
I do think it is in some peoples nature yeah,and the person your with probably knows that too or you knew that about them before you got together
i don't really flirt as most of my social events include my partner, we have the same group of friends etc, people accuse me of flirting with one of the guys i go football with but he's my best friend and married and i dont see how i flirt with him tbh, we have a very close relationship like we were seperated at birth personality wise, one of our friends always flirts with my fiance and it doesnt bother me neither does it when women we dont know flirt with him at a bar etc he comes home with me at the end of the day
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While I think some people are naturally flirty , but weirdly enough, many of the flirty girls I know are still single ....I get compliments from guys all the time but I don't feel the need to reciprocate it, I'm just not needy that way.

lol I'll tell my husband that he flirts because he's needy!!!!lol.x

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Flirting when in a relationship.....

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