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crofter | 20:41 Fri 17th Aug 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
87 Answers
This will be very brief as the screen is a little blurred! Red wine, you say? Not so, on two counts!

Firstly, I underwent lasekeye surgery two days ago. Secondly, I am drinking Rose Wine!

I need to go for a check-up tomorrow at 9.00am, so I won't be there for the launch of Week 3. That leaves me with three short messages.

1. Alibobs Good luck, kidder, you're on your own!

2. Jools Do all in your power to extend your lead!

3. Rest of You Cheat if you have to, but get in front!

Who's two-faced?



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Goodnight everone. B
I posted Goodnight everyone, but it seems to have disappeared! See you all tomorrow. B
Goodnight all....Kay ....turn the light off!!!
I think I'll turn in myself. Are you sure it's not too much to drink too Christiana 'cos you got a bit muddled with my name!! Glad you had a good time, it's been quite lively here tonight. Pauline will really send that Email this weekend. Am babysitting tomorrow (youngest granddaughter Mathilda 18 months) but some time over the weekend I will send it. I am really behind with all my quizzes 'cos much older brother is in Canada celebrating his Golden wedding and got no-one to nag me to do them! Goodnight everyone,Sweet dreams. See you all in morning.Love Kay
Goodnight Kay....don't worry...e-mail when you can. Just enjoy your granddaughter tomorrow!!
Good night Kay - I think I'll stick to Kay. I altered your name once and still got it wrong - as for the drink, I plead the fifth amendment, as they say in America.
Christiana..thought you were in Portugal???!!!! :-)
Good night!!

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