Yes... however, if you don't experience temperatures below about 20 degrees F they will generally survive the winter. If you do dig them, wait until late in the season, usually after the first killing frost. Dig them up, clean them by brushing off excess dirt, (don't use water) place them in a well ventilated sack, such as a burlap bag, nothing plastic though, and store them in a cool dark place. The main thing is to keep them dry and ventilated and cool. Best of luck
It is recommended that you lift your corms as although they will survive in many part of this country, virus will set and and of course the cormlets in the ground will also be sharing the nourishment. Dry thoroughly and dust with an insecticide prior to storing. After flowering it is best to leave for about 4 weeks before digging.
I usually store in the loft in open paper bags and check about once a month