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crapmemory | 17:38 Fri 31st Aug 2007 | Business & Finance
9 Answers
How many ISA's can I have?


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"you cannot open more than one Mini cash ISA, or more than one Mini stocks and shares ISA in the same tax year, and you cannot invest in both a Mini ISA and Maxi ISA in the same tax year".

Source (with further information on investment limits): htm

but you can open a different mini ISA each year paying in up to �3000 a year- so you could have several ISAs but could only pay into one in any one year
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Is there any other way of saving without having to pay tax but with easy access to the money?
Hi crapmemory,

Try 'Ing Direct'. Interst free savings but you do not need to put a set amount of money in each month and you can withdraw money if you need it
I'm puzzled by Sasha's answer- if you are a taxpayer you are liable to tax on any bank account (including ING) unless it's an ISA or TESSA. The onl other exception id NSI (post office) who have certain tax exempt accounts which government allows
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Thanks factor30. I don't know anything about TESSA's, but I'll look into it.
sorry, TESSAs are no longer on sale although existing ones can be retained. I'd check out NSI (national savings) as they have tax fee certificates with good interest rates but usually money is tied up for 3 years
For National Savings go to: Not all their products are tax free. You could also consider Premium Bonds, which are.

Going back to your second question: you can get ISAs with easy access. Look at to help find an account that suits you.

But you cannot exceed your annual ISA allowance. That means that if you take out money you can only add more if it�s within the allowance.
Question Author
Thank you all for your suggestions. I will give them all some consideration.

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