I was just browsing ebay this afternoon and came across the great invention of Glitter Hair Tattoos, i was amazed by this, and i expect you will be too, but i have to wonder why anyone would want to put glitter tattoos in their hair???
check this out:
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=552 6810643
I was tempted to bid to see what it was like, but i must stop wasting money!! What does everyone else think of this madness?????????????
Surely you can only see them if you have really dark hair? It wouldn't work in my hair, that's for sure. Silly idea, but sure to be bought by little girls everywhere...
me and my sister have been using these 4 ages about 3yrs and now there is a big craze about them there ok if you can b bothered to keep your head straight 4 the whole evening so u dont mess your hair up