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4getmenot | 13:28 Thu 18th Oct 2007 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
I think I'm beginning to sway to the idea of keeping chatterbank. Only because I have loked in B & S and people with real problems are actually being helped not pushed down the page by utter cr@p. :-)


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Yes, it's quite refreshing isn't it 4get! ;o}
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yer in a way its not nice they have problems but nice they can be answered now. :-)
it should work really well 4get and I hope it stays, if the eejits like that bowiefreak and zigzag stop crawling out of their respective holes and making nasy pointless comments on it there should be no problem.
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does anyone know when or even if we will find out if it is staying?
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it'll stay whatever. and yer legend B & S is much better now :-)
hmmm thankyou legend (dove clears her throat) AHEM
the names.......
dove x


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