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bobtheturkey | 10:03 Mon 22nd Oct 2007 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
just noticied mine are really lanky, do you like your toes


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No they are fat. Hi Bob! You ok?
Good morning Bob. Hope you are well :-)
My toes are ok. I always have my nails painted pretty colours, maybe you should do the same.x
Hi Katie! How you?x
Good thanks sweetie, you?x
(Sorry Bob.x)
Question Author
hello jodie hello katie, Hilliary from the bowls club painted mine lime green once while i was asleep
Ooooh suit you sir!!!!! I have some green somewhere, want them done again?????x
I'm good Katie. Did Hillary break in to your house and do it?

oh I just love it when bob turns up with one of his deep and insightful questions to ponder over !!!

No, I don't like mine much,I'd like them to be longer [ also easier for me to get to, too } very hard to put nail varnish on when other bits of anatomy get in the way - ooops, tooo much information - have a great day
Question Author
no i took her home after we won the mixed pairs 2 summers ago and we shared a dish of shredded wheat, yes katie can you wax them first
Ooooooh yes, I most certainly will!!!!!! Anything else you want waxed while Im at it???x
Aaaahhhhh. You sound like such a romantic! You really know how to show a girl a good time. Hillary's a lucky b1tch.x

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