Some of you may already know about my cat cleo from Animals and Nature....I have already posted on there tonite .The vet called me with her test results earlier and she has cancer. Inoperable by the sound of it,and will just be a matter of keeping her comfortable for whatever time she has. I am wailing...please can I have a hug from someone?
I'm so sorry to hear that pastafreak. We lost our cat after he went missing last year. We had adverts on the radio and were out every looking for him. I know it's different circumstances, but the end results all the same. Main thing is to enjoy the time you have left. We didn't get that and I miss him every day. Sigh. Pets....grrrr...Can't live without them....but wouldn't be without them. Big hugs your way. xxx
Thinking of you pastafreak. My heart goes out to you. Our GS passed away thankfully in her sleep she was 13. We still miss her although she has been gone for 6 years. I still grieve for her, yes I know to most that will sound stupid. She was a family member.
I know how you are feeling pastafreak, my thoughts are with you xxx
An update for will be too invasive as the tumour is in her jaw and near her eyesocket. The vet has given her 2 months....I was hoping for more! Can only keep her comfortable and as happy as possible xx Virg