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legend758duo | 11:16 Tue 13th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
are you he type of person when youre in someones house that youd go to the toilet and when there have a little rummage in the bathroom cabinet just to see whats there?
i know some folk , not me btw , that just cant help themselves.
i know a woman cant help herself havin a rummage thru drawers etc , just dont ask her to house sit : -)

so would you ?
do you ?
and what do you think about it ?


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Certainly not!

However Mr P was fixing a womans shower and saw a big bottle of lubricant and what looked like a silver marital aid on the bathroom shelf. It turned out to be a talcum powder dispenser, and I can only imagine that he found that out

I don't root around in anyones belongings, but can understand other people being curious.
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ooo er pipp

mr p is a detective ??
No..just very observant!

He is one of those quiet thinkers, leg. You think he is not taking any notice of anything but in reality he is watching everything.
No Legend , I wouldn't dream of poking around someone elses cupboards and things . :-) Hope are you feeling a bit brighter this morning btw . x
Pippa, thank mrP for fixing my shower it works fine now, and could you ask him to return my red lacey panties please, I know it was him.
Awww warpig ~ he wrapped those up and gave them to me ~ the barsteward!
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piggy youre such a tart

hi mamma.

im fine

i just ebb between sanity and insanity .
its a delicate balance ahhhhaaahhhhhaaaaaaaaa

No, I wouldnt like anyone rummaging through my things, so why should I rummage through theirs?

If anyone ever did go through my bathroom cabinet they wouldnt find anything out of the ordinary apart from the willy toothbrush I got from an ann summers party! lol
Could have been worse Pippa, it could have been mrwarpigs black lacey ones!

Leggy, yes I am!
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nothing surprises me from a woman who buys 2 coffees and 2 cakes : - )
Note to self : load bathroom cabinet with ping pong balls before dinner party Friday ...

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