Ive just seen a one of the mums from school who said "you look like youve had enough" I said I have and then she went on to tell me her friend gave birth to twins this morning at 36 weeks, both babies weighing 5lb odd. She then went on to tell me she was about the size I am now!!!!! She also said she was about the same when she had her own twins a couple of years ago. They were a total weight off around 9lb.
I still have 13 weeks to go, Im going to be the size of a manor house!!
Anyone else getting told theyre big?
I'm having a whooper too! Went for an extra scan at 28wks and was told he's a big boy!! Since then I've been measuring a month ahead (with the tape measurer) I've been to see a consultant and had the GTT test in case I had gestational diabetes (but all was normal)!! I just really hope I'm gonna get induced!! I'm 35 wks today and if I were to be induced it would be on the 21st of December!! Too close to xmas!! I'm starting to s*** myself!!!
I just had my little man but when people told me I was getting big (which I wasn't ) I would look them in the eye and say 'well I'm pregnant, I'm not going to get smaller am I' soon shuts them up.
As for this measuring the bump thing I measured 37 weeks for the last 3 to 4 weeks and he was 8lb 1oz so I'ts not always correct, it depends on your shape i.e petite etc.