but are the ladies on this site a bunch of very very naughty girls. I have always been told that girls are pretty bad amongst them selves but the anonymity of the AB seems to have made them talk quite vulgar on occasions. Now anyone that knows me will know i am the sensitive type that doesn't swear or curse and knows how i blush when people talk about rudies, and i feel that the subject these ladies talk about, innuendo's and all means they deserve a jolly good spanking and I'm the man to do it!
I sort of knew this question would interest you red, you are possibly one of the naughtiest that will need the most spanking and a great deal of discipline, well if a job is worth doing it's worth coming all the way to your caravan to do it! Can you call me a taxi? x
Yes dear, but you know the address, i don't mind at all paying, unless you live on the Isle of Man in which case i will have to sail from Plymouth in freezing cold whether and that tends to shrink your chances, i can say!