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is it true ?

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sleepyj | 00:37 Sun 27th Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
that ab are going to start giving out asbo ......who will be first to get one ? lol


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Being a foreigner, what's an asbo? If you don't tell me I'll come over there an punch your lights there.
anti social behaviour order.

grounding hooligans lol

Why is it an Antisocial Behaviour Order anyway, they are being antisocial to begin with so surely it should be a order to be social?
shurrup too late for duff jokes.

So, does a asbo, given to you from the courts I would think, turn your life around and suddenly turn you into a normal person?....................This piece of paper?
I was being serious, I've never understood why it's called an ASBO. Folk are given ABCs, acceptable behaviour contracts, they're not UBCs (unacceptable behaviour contracts) are they?

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