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stevie1time | 01:12 Mon 28th Jan 2008 | Music
39 Answers
Mother do you think she's good enough........for me!!! Mother do you think she's me!!! Mother will she tear your little boy apart!! hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Ma.......Mother will she break my heart!!!! x


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it was only couple weeks ago wheni watched the wall again... nothing else can compare to it... my friend watched it and couldnt get in to it... you need to be in to the music to understand it. dont have a puff any more and still appreciate it.
LOl - I was answering Steve as well! Nah - I don't believe it dris!!! I'm 29 now.
Hussy - yes, I occasionally watch the original Wall, and also the vid of the gig when the Berlin Wall came down, but i prefer the first one. Everytime you watch it, you seem to noticed something that you missed the time before. Brilliantly done, with brilliant songs. The Floyd should get back together permanently.
its true you always see something you missed before...
have all there albums. but the wall is far the best.
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Huss,i think its one of those 'things that got us' would be really hard to get some folk to enjoy he music/ most it would be weird...puff or not..(i aint heard it called that in years, i applaud) ....How do you get someone to see what one looks like on this site??? I aint got a clue how to do a link......i ask,because im not really that clued up on this computer lark,so not asking to see anyone else,just so folks can see my ugly mug x
Nice to see that there are some people around who still value great music. Yes - the best. Wish i'd been a bit older in the days when they were on tour. Must've been fab. x
bit scary though stevie.. dont mind putting out my profile but knowing my luck the neighbor would be on and getting all my juicy goss.... lol x
Ice believe me hun I could be your mum quite easily.
I have to say much to R and J's chagrin I dont behave as tho I about to depart my 40's._ I apersonallt cant wait cos its been the worst time of my entire life.- nit until Nov tho -drat -lol

We do get a laugh and R dowloaded songs for the i-Pod he gave me for Cristmas and he picked albums he thought i would like and I was well impressed with his choice -trendy mum -way to go. -lol

Just cant get the bleeding things downloaded onto my iPod tho -so that will take up most of my weel -no way am I asking for help.!!
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I struggle on this computer lark thing,i suppose im old school and just prefer to see and hear,face value so to speak....Ive heard about sites where people unsult and degrade each other,threats of violence etc...f ooo kin weird....anyway im sure that if i say my names steven arwand from Dudley, west midlands im sure folks can see my unashamedly bad looks on facebook.....even though i havent got a clue how facebook works lol
Oh you amusing people!!!! First of all - who gives a stuff what each other looks like? Took me AGES to get a pic up on my avatar - and then it happened by chance as I was having a moan about it! Lol. Even so, because of difficulties accessing beta, I came back on here. People say it's a lot less hassle.
Dris - I don't care how old you are, and you'r not "old" anyway. Even if you were - you make me laugh, and I like the way you answer people. xx
Zoom.........................................................................unashamedely -lol
Aww Ice -ta -that makes me happy xxxx
your sound dris
p.s. you been cheating behind my back while ive been gone as well icey............... lol xx
Stevie - I really am 29, but feel such a dork when my sons have to show me how to use the computer! I'm so lagging behind with technology that I doubt I could even use a Gameboy!!! My husband didn't want me to put a pic up - in fact, he thinks these kind of sites just encourage the weird and wonderful - but I've grown to like AB, and it relaxes me to come on here and chat with people. It doesn't matter a jot to me what a person looks like.
Dris - I can remember first seeing your name up, & although i can't remember the topic now, you had me in stitches, & I liked your forthright manner - x
What you revived again Hussy -lol.

I just dont feel sleepy -gonna have to zap myself cos I have a reallly important day tomorrow then when thats done I can get rid of H co he will have served his purpose -wa haaay -lol

Ruthless -yip thats me.

O Hussy and Leg up a tree -lol

Here thats not even what I came on this thread for STEVE -I tried your facebook and you dont exist -whats tyur name again in case you typoed -lol

Saw Gravs -its hilarious - he just looks as daft as the way he posts on here -I love when he comes on -he is so obscure but dead funny.
Well - you gave me no choice but to cheat Hussy - someone had to take over as Number One in your absence, and it just went on from there. You know how it Lol
whatever trever...................... LOL xxxxxxxx
HTH - xx
If there is one band who'se absence i really feel, and whom I pine for, it's Pink Floyd.

I saw the DSOTM Tour in 1974 at Trentham Gardens in Stoke, and I saw them again at Knebworth in (I think) 1979, and another four times, including the Division Bell Tour at Earls Court.

They are one of the very finest live and album bands ever - and it is such a shame that they are highly unlikely to ever play together again.

Oh well ....
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They are the bollox live Andy...Although i did nay think much of the live 8 thing....Dris its Steven [email protected] myspace off to London to work till end of au revoir for now.....What did the vet say to the dog that wouldnt stop licking his nads?????

Thanks ...

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