Hello. I am at my wit's end. An elderly friend, disabled, has bought her first pc, it has Vista, She has an help alarm on her phone - Turnstall She doesn't want Broadband She wanted Tesconet, it doesn't do Installation discs for Vista. I tried BT, they have no discs in stock, neither does any pc outlets I can find no ISP who will connect her for a basic internet connection Can you help?
Thank you for your answers. I have tried Orange, impossible to get through and I can't see any email facility
Tesco has told me that they can't connect new users on Vista
However I will have yet another go
Thank you
I wonder if a recent answer has been found to the ISP and Vista problem as a friend is experiencing the same problem in January 2008.
She has a new laptop with Vista installed and wanted to install Tesco dial-up. Their technical help line informed her that it was incompatible with Vista and she had a similar reply from BT.
Yes, we took the Vista one back to Tesco, got the money back plus extra because we were not told of the difficulty and bought a Windows XP at Currys
Good luck!
Thanks for your help. I'll also pass this information on to our Computer Group members who may be thiniking of buying laptops. It never occurred to me that Vista would not be compatible with some ISPs.