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bobtheturkey | 09:57 Mon 11th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
a detachable nose


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I want detachable fat bits!!
didnt your mummy ever tell you

"i want, doesnt get"

Awwwwww good morning Bob. I take it that the cold has worsened.x :-(
Question Author
hello katie yes i may have only hours left
That's dreadful. Is there anything I can do to help??????????x
Question Author
keep saying "there there"
Awww there there Bob.x
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will you look after colin
Of course I will. Not so keen on having Brenda in my house though.x

who's colin and why might you only have hours left, bob ?
and why would a detachable nose make it better ?

whoops, sorry, should have read things a bit closer - sorry to hear about the cold or is it man-flu, bob ?
Question Author
katie will explain seekerz im going to eat my last ever bowl of porridge
Oh seekeerz this is a despert situeeeeeeeeation so it is!!!!! Poor Bob. How will I ever cope without him????x :-(

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