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red is back

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captains log | 02:02 Sun 16th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
I have a shower that is awaiting yerr presence
So do ya wanna test the water out


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This sounds rude, and I'm of a delicate nature - but why would anyone want a shower? Only dirty people wash......
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And as alice cooper would say onyl women bleed icy.
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It's true I'm telling you! I've seen my husband with horse sh@t all over his hands - and he WASHES them, I promise you!
Are you frolicking with the lower ranks, Red. Please report to my bunker and you will be to speak.
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Red you silly ol I am only muking wiv you what is the matter wiv ya just lately I am not taking the pee out ya I am only aving a laff just chill babes.
Lol legend - I'll put the order in for that then.
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I'll have you know, old chappie Legend, that I paid a veritable fortune for my commitance. Went to Sandhust, looked at maps, grew a moustache, bought a swagger-stick, and learned how to say 'hurummmph', Also stayed out of the trenches and ordered the motley crew of 'thumbs up blokes' to charge the vicious Hun!
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Ah but stewy did ya learn how to talk the talk and learn how to walk the walk

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red is back

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