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kelly2008 | 19:39 Sat 15th Mar 2008 | Health & Fitness
4 Answers
What can you do to stop your periods? because i'm going away on hoilday and I wil be due on .????


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Hi kelly - Just see your doctor who will probably be able to sort you out! xxx
You can either take your pill without a break or if you don't take the pill see your GP

Your GP can prescribe progesterone and will give you details on how to take it - it needs to be taken 3 times daily for as long as you wish to delay your period and once you stop taking it, you can expect your period within about 48 hours.

Be warned though, it will be heavy and quite possibly painful - mine was anyway

A progestogen tablet such as Norethisterone can be prescribed by your GP - I always do this if my period clashes with holidays or a special event when I want a bit of 'alone' time with my fella ;)

I've never had any adverse effects, unlike with the pill, which I can't take cause it always makes me ill.

Have a word with your GP - they get this kind of request all the time.
utovlan tablets, those are what i was prescribed for this!

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