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Ok firstly, you sound like a very angry person 3ight8ball, i think you need to calm down.
Secondly, you dont even know me so why are you making stupid accusations like 'ive no doubt you'd sleep with him behind his GF's back.' That made me laugh
And by the way i'm 15, so there isn't a huge chance of that happening atm anyway
And if, 3ight8ball, you'd bothered to read the rest of the page, you'd see that thanks to other peoples helpful comments i'm going to carry on being good mates with him, but leave off on anything more. Now who's naive?!
You're not being helpful and as other people have said, its a public site so dont be so rude. It doesn't seem like you are capable of helping answer my question nicely in which case i suggest you dont comment.
I hope you now have the right end of the stick and that you are less aggressive in future.