why do people insist on arguing about religion, race, terrorists? the world is f**ked because of mankind in general. we will either be killed by our own weapons or poison ourselves with our own manmade chemicals. if people worried as much about recycling, stopping giant corporations polluting our seas. the list goes on. f*ck religion. f*ck terrorists. all these global brands using plastic instead of recycled cardboard or motor companies not promoting solar powered vehicles they are the worlds biggest terrorists but oh no theyve got pretty symbols and neat adverts we cant argue about them. wake up
I would take an educated guess, that these topics appear in the news, and as this is a news topic, people come on here to discuss and put their points of views accross.
Mmmm...and the media often creates,or-at the very least-adds to the very problems that THEY have determined we should be worried about. It is a viscious cycle. They publish a news story-we feel a bit anxious....they do another story--the anxiety increases....more stories-we buy more papers..and our stress levels are rising by the minute! We now don't trust the media Or our next door neighbour...never mind the multi-nationals!
oh come on. look everyone knows that the newspapers are fearmongerers and they do this to sell papers to make money. they pick on certain subjects that will get a public reaction. i know all of this and this is why i dont read the papers and use books and the internet as much as possible for souyrces of information. however climate change and everything that goes with it is a big deal. we may not be doomed like the sun makes out but it is a massive issue and you shouldnt dismiss it just because you cant be seen to agree with the papers