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What can you do?

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Eve | 19:28 Tue 10th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
What skills or hobbies or similar do you have?

What would you like to do but don't?


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Skills? I can ... thinks better of answering this
i would like to juggle, ride a unicycle and walk on stilts but i cant but if i could then when people say stop clowning around i would know what they mean
I would love to play guitar, but I'm a hopeless failure, :-(
oh yes i would alsolike to play the guitar and the keyboards and loads of other musical instruments but alas : (
oh and spread sheets and graphs and powerpoint and exel but alas : (
errr johny i think your'e being ambitious without trying very hard, :-)
Don't tell me JJ hasn't got any skills.
I would have liked to learn to play the piano . I guess I can't really think of any hobbies or skills I I feel really useless , I've reached this age and don't have any skills !!!!!!
I am a good golfer and portrait painter, I am good at pottery and needle crafts, I play guitar and piano. I would like to be a better golfer though
big head
you would envy my brushwork logic ;D
Tee hee ....secretly pleased logic said that ...
Question Author
Oi logic, this is meant to be a nice fluffy post haha :)
yes cazzz, Iv'e never been any good at that either,

appart from interior decorating.
Well im sure cazzz didn't take offence as it was meant in a light hearted way,
cooking yes cooking
i am good at cooking
so whats for supper then
beans on toast

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