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have you ever

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sir-gravy | 17:52 Sat 02nd Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
wanted to be a pyramid shaped water melon
I havent. like ever. but it seems a lot of you have


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I like your moxy jimlad, you are zanier than whiffey
I dont like whiffy but I like gravy cazzzzy.

yes but he has to keep the comedy away from the whole maggot/faeces storyline. he could be good if he keeps it family friendly
Na he would not be gravy then would he
Are you lot having a laugh -he was ace when he started then suppose you all forgot- not only did he friendly clone me once -I didnt really mind that TBH - he vilely cloned me again and he was foisted by his own petard -duller gravy eh?

O and then he was found out to be lungy (on the same screen as the fake Drisgirl) -using mirelas PC -some peeps thought it was me as they didnt read it properly -youre as green as youre cabbage looking xx

And I am unanemouse on that one
yes, sorry dris I know he has been a twonk, what I was saying was if he used his comedy for good instead of to be a pain he would be definately more popular on here
I agree cazz -I was if he can remember that far back one of the ones -indeed the first- who supported him vociferously when he mistook ME for MS and he was castigated.I knew he wasnt nasty.

Why he then turned on me I have no idea -doesnt matter apart fom the genuine people ones here who really give me a hard time because of what he has posted -like i have always said -I dont need anyone to make a rod for my back -I make a good enough job myself lol.

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