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codswallop | 15:17 Tue 02nd Sep 2008 | Computers
3 Answers
The words on my monitor have suddenly started to"wobble"it's probably the same all over the screen but with words it's more obvious.Does anyone have any idea what may be causing this and any possible answer please?


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Is your monitor near something electrical like a fan or a microwave oven? That would affect it. Failing that, is your monitor old? They don't last forever, I'm afraid.
how wobbly is wobbles?

another could be on the right track .... but if it's only slight
(which it sounds to be if you don't notice it elsewhere)

LCD screens (older ones at least) have a coarse and fine position adjustmant.
basically the picture needs to fit the pixels .... it it's slightly off - a thin line crosses the boundary and instead of one line of pixels .... the ones next to it fire as well ... if they flash .... it's a pain (you see the same effect on telly with striped shirts and ties)
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Thank you both for your quick answers.The only fan that is nearby is the one in the pc and the monitor is about 12mths old.The effect is like there is a shallow vibration that the monitor is standing on! I had asked my son to increase the fonts size as a default,whether that has made the sitation more obvious.

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