I would like to do some sort of reading or poem at my sisters wedding, she has been with her boyfriend for 5 five years and they have a little daughter called unique. Who will be 18 months in september, There wedding then. She there any readings or peoms you would suggest would be nice to read?
Hello. There is actually a book that has poems spcifically for weddings, some old, some modern. I'll see if I can find the title if you're interested - you could always order it from the library if you don't want to buy it.
From a legal point of view you should choose a poem that's out of copyright as a wedding is considered a public event and the poet would be entitled to royalties if you read a modern poem (of course, that's "should" in the same sense that I "should" pay Microsoft for my copy of Visual Basic - not that I haven't, of course!).
Ok not a poem but tell your sister to have a coloured bouquet of flowers. I took a cheap video with my cheap camera and everyone has commented how colourfully the reds of the bouquet a set against the white dress and green grass.