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Silent friends ;)

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MissCommando | 23:18 Mon 08th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
Good eve all,
A friend of mine wants to buy a really silent friend. She's seen one on a particular website but wants to know if they really are that quiet?! She doesn't think the quiet ones will be as powerful as the loud ones. Any advice? Are they worth the money and up to the job?


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Well jane you'll just have to take my word for it.
No complaints as yet .

Though more than a few moans


Very good.

all you need is the Ammunition For Love, look it up !!

seriously, you will never go back
btw, I still haven't tried licking anyone's eyeball ...

... or letting them do it to me.

crikey dustin, that looks dangerous !!!!!!!!
seriously jogger best thing you will ever buy !!

get it cheaper from here ;)
jayne i will go post that again

fresh meat maybe


see ya there
I get all my toys from Tickled, just down the road in The Lanes.

I'm sure they can get me one.

you defo should and afterwards make sure you send me flowers to say thank you lol
dusty, if it's that good ... I'll send you flowers.

Do you have one?

i have two lol but only because i lost the first one and NEEDED a replacement.
Sounds like I might have to get one if you needed a replacement that badly.

Thank you ;-)

lol no probs x
dusty like im believein that
what do you mean ?
whats not to believe ?
I think you jest mrs

and what would be the point in that ? i can assure you that i am speaking the truth. hey just helping out the sisterhood lol spreading the good word ;)

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Silent friends ;)

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