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A sense of direction

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anotheoldgit | 15:28 Wed 24th Sep 2008 | News
16 Answers 1/Londons-Olympic-Park-toilets-turn-away-Mecca -respect-Islamic-law.html

One could not make this up.

What I would like to know is, in their private homes do all their toilets face away from Mecca, or do they have to take a compass with them, when they take short?


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I would imagine all Muslims would only buy/rent a house where the toilet faced away from Mecca if their religion says they must not face East when using a toilet.
Readjusting the position of a WC pan in a house requires very little effort or expense..............and yes, I know of instances where it is carried out.............and also of where the 'traditional' WC is dispensed with entirely...........
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errr Jack so the loo faces east as does the small room that it is in. Sso you can rotate the pan so it's at some other angle rather than parallel with the walls, try having a go on that!

There have been countless horror stories of councils modifying things to please these parasites. No expense spared for Muslims.
No, not all their toilets face away from Mecca. It would be unreasonable of them to be expected to shift their houses around. It's not that strict.

This, however, is a new building and it's a very very simple gesture that respects their beliefs - East London is, after all, home to a thriving Muslim population. Besides, it doesn't put anyone else out remotely.

Still, might as well saddle up that high horse!
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Being a Muslim I myself believe that it is not that strict. It is a matter of preference or respect. Few people will not sit with their feet stretched towards Mecca and many I have seen not caring about that. Same is like in many countries it is considered bad to point your feet towards elders, like parents for example. So just a matter of respect nothing so strict as in normal life no one carries a compass with him.

It is compulsory to face towards Mecca (Kibla) but if you are travelling or are in the area where you are not sure about the direction, you can face whichever way.
I meant for for prayer in the last paragraph.
I think I'll start a new religion which demands that all toilets (and users) must face east.
Please do.
Yeah, go ahead with that.
But do remember one thing. If you face towards east................your bum would be facing towards west. Perhaps put a mirror behind the toilet seat. That should
LMFAO. Sorry strange images in my head.
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Wish they would ALL move & go live in the East .

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A sense of direction

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