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very very drunk!

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bobbybob | 21:55 Fri 03rd Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
...and up at 6am for work! Anybody have any suggestions to not having a hang over? I am on the phone all day in a call centre. Really don't want to face it.


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drink loadsa water

and bed right away
oh take some paracetamol too lol
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Thank legend. Night night
You been banned babybow
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who's babybow?
Hope you're not driving in the next 12 hours cos you'd be illegal
chocolate flavoured milk..does the trick for me.
If you drink loads-a-water you wont sleep but be running to the loo all night.

Drink milk/chocolate/ovaltine/horlicks etc that wont run thru you quite so fast, you'll sleep better and be fresh to face 2moro. I'm part of the Sat workforce too ;(
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painters are notorious alkies
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Oh dear a DECORATOR !!

Still notorious alkies , and found out mor ethan painters , due to the lack of patterns in paint


I do knwo what im talkin about first hand wizzy
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qc sherry was the tipple in edinburgh

painters go thru a few in a day

and loads of divorces too


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very very drunk!

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