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Merry christmas

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sir.knobby | 23:20 Thu 16th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
To you all........................................................................................

Sod it me full stop button has alchohised spilt on it and is a bit sticky....................................................

Funny it's the only button that sticks...................................


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10 weeks today it is knob
Happy Easter.
hope it is only that what has made ur button sticky lol
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Its my birthday soon
it mine 2 ..hate bdays just another year older ..:(
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You load 15 tons and wadda you get,
another day older and deeper in debt.
No its not your birthday soon knobby, your after me and mine is 2 and half months off yet. Stop wishing your birthdays on you, they come round fast enough. As far as sticky buttons go..well...what can I say.
ddiidd yyoouu ssaayy yyoouu ggoott ssttiicckkyy bbuuttoonnss kknnooobbyy?�?�

wwaassaatt lliikkee tthheenn??��

Bring on the trumpets

da da da d a da da daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

root tooot toooooooot

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Shurruuuppp puss I nearly fooled sleepy jean there
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Yea its only me full stop one the others are fine
its my birthday soon Knobby......toot toot!
As was mentioned before,it's a little early for Christmas don't you think??
We haven't even put the clocks back one hour yet!!


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Merry christmas

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