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Costume Party

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EngTeach | 18:52 Sat 25th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Going to a Halloween Party later. Settled on a 'Tavern Wench' costume. Not much choice when you wait for the last minute. There is always a bunch at this party who dress as a group. One year they were The Wizrd of Oz people. They are quite clever with their costumes. can't wait to see what they do this year.


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Yea twace I could just picture you in a tavern wench costume.

Whoops sorry
Hehe, I'm sure you'll look great in it. I have one next Friday and I'm going as Tim Burton's Corpose Bride.

Enjoy :o)
low cut I hope )UU(
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I'll try to post a pic or 2. I like this party because my crew is the youngest there. It is sponsored by The Knights of Columbus ( a Catholic Fraternal group) There are a bunch of old fogies and the newest music we might hear is MJ Thriller. But we make our own fun and for $35 we get a good buffet and beer/wine/soda. My friend's husband belongs, so that's how we get roped into going. No chance of getting picked up. Two yrs. ago the only cute guys turned out to be a bunch of guys entering the seminary. Just my luck. I'll let you know how it goes in the morning.

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