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High expectations?

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lynbrown | 09:59 Wed 05th Nov 2008 | News
19 Answers
I fear that Barack will be expected to solve all the world's woes as soon as he takes office. I hope disillusionment with him does not set in too quickly. He is a great orator and seems a good hearted man but he is only human.


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He will be absolutely fine. Release all the prisoners from Guantanamo must be an early priority, and then withdraw all US troops from Afghanistan and Iraq and let those areas evolve in their own ways. That will leave the UK looking really stupid and therefore will also withdraw all our troops. The Taliban will be really grateful and will stop attacking the West. Result - perfect peace.
Obama wants out of Iraq asap, but is he wants to increase the US forces in Afghanistan,

The Taleban will never stop attacking the West because with them it is an ideological fight. They need to be beaten or marginalised.
>solve all the world's woes

He is (will be) the President of America, not the world, so why should people think he is going to sort out the worlds woes.

In fact since the second world war many of the worlds PROBLEMS have been caused by the USA sticking their nose in countries that are nothing to do with them.

Almost every conflict in the last 50 years has involved the USA, be they supplying arms, supporting one regime or another, assasinating presidents, invading countries (Korea, Vietnam, Iraq etc) and so on.

No surprise that 9 of the 10 largest arms manufacturers in the world are American companies. Maybe they start these wars to keep these companies in business.
Obama wanted, and has got , possibly the top political job , on the earth . I wish him well .
However , spare a thought for the kids in all of this , as they would have had , I suspect , no say in the decision that daddy made .

Their lives from now on will never be the same - they wont be able to pop down to their local McDonalds etc - that is to say they will lose the freedom , that is all part of kids growing up .

I think it is safe to say that there are people out there who will like nothing better and will be plotting to assasinate one of the family .

I hope they dont succeed .
Tony Blair was also an excellent orator...........
Barack, given horn-rimmed specs and a Fender Strat would be a dead spit for Hank Marvin when he grins.
I think the first thing to happen will be some form of action against Pakistan.

They have had enough time to sort their border problems out.

Obama has promised change, not more of the same...

U.S. airstrike in Pakistan sours relations
The top elected official in northwest Pakistan said Thursday that his country should rethink its relationship with the United States after a U.S. airstrike reportedly killed 11 Pakistani soldiers. kistan.php

Shots fired in US-Pakistan clash
The United States military says US and Afghan forces have exchanged gunfire with Pakistani troops across the border with Afghanistan. 36845.stm

US drone suspected of deadly attack on Pakistan
A suspected US drone killed at least six people in a missile strike in the Pakistani tribal region of North Waziristan. kistan.usa

US strikes' on Pakistan villages
More than 20 people have been killed in two suspected US missile attacks in northwest Pakistan 02679.stm
"Obama has promised change, not more of the same"
And do you beleive it Gromit?
Interesting, watch BBC TV News, the only word you can hear is Black. Everything which isn't about Obama is about Lewis Hamilton. Neither is black, and this going to become extremely tiresome. For Goodness Sake, RACE has hit Formula 1, what a terrible shame. I thought it was about driving fast. I also thought Obama was about talent and charisma and being the best guy for the job. It seems however that being Black is the most important thing.

I wonder if Obama will permit the US Armed forces to continue killing Islamic terrorists?
Ned, Yes, where it is possible I think he will bring about change.

You sound doubtful. Do you think he will continue Bush's policies and deliver more of the same?
How can you have Formula 1 without a race? ;-)
pwned by Quinlad there, I was about to make the same observation...
Yes I missed the irony, sorry.

I've just turned the tele off until Autumn Watch at 8pm. There is no news anymore, just Black is Best everything.
It certainly eats you up, doesn't it?

I've not seen anyone anywhere saying that black is best funnily enough. But some people do find it newsworthy that the 44th president is the first one not to fit the exact stereotype of a white, middle-aged male.

It's out of the ordinary - and the news tends to report out of the ordinary things more. That's sort of what it's for. It must be one of those ker-azy things about the media.

I'm sure when a woman wins the F1 drivers championship after 150 male winners, you won't comment on that either. You'd never let gender enter F1. Never.
If a woman can win the F1 World Championship, then well and good, but for purely non-sexist non-racial reasons it is not going to happen.

Lewis Hamilton won because he is a prodigiously talented driver, right up there with Senna in my books. He has been supported throughout by a very rich and generous white guy called Ron Dennis in what appears to be a really warm unique relationship. However, all we get nowadays is that he is Black. Well, no he isn't strictly speaking, and even more strictly speaking he is one hell of a gifted driver.
Gromit - I am sceptical because I have seen it before in the shape of Tony Blair, brilliant speaker, charismatic, holds your attention etc. I am sure he will change policies and I hope I am wrong about him but I just keep getting Deja Vu with 1997 "things can only get better" maybe for a couple of years but then the same old. Only time will tell.
Hi lynbrown, its no wonder people expect so much of him, he has promised so much to the American people and now he must deliver it or be judged a liar and a failure.

You cant promise people change and hope and then tell them sorry I couldnt do it but I didnt have the power.

What sort of person would lie to get into public office? Yes, all of them.
More than lying, politicians talk in incredibly vague terms. They talk about ideals and goals rather than specific measurable objectives.

The problem comes when people interpret those ideals unrealistically (as happened with, for example, Tony Blair and probably Obama). You can see them, just as we did 11 years ago, literally dancing on the streets.

People start expecting world peace, a property boom, flawless universal healthcare and the best education system imaginable. And when, several years down the line, life isn't perfect and the leader didn't turn out to be a magic wand, they feel misled and let down and angry.

If everyone took a deep breath and a reality check from the off, maybe they'd avoid ending up so needlessly disappointed.

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