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Whats the best feeling at the end of the day apart from sex???

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puddicat | 17:27 Mon 10th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
For me its undoing my bra and feeling relieved lol, this is meant to be a funny thread!!!!


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just the feeling I have a great family and lots of friends that I can always turn to.
That you've made at least one person happy, been nice to just about everyone, and feel so sleepy you just know you're not going to have any trouble sleeping.

after being on my feet after doing a 10 hour night shift kicking my shoes off and soaking them in my foot spa bliss
Moisterising my face & hands, climbing into my pj's, lighting the candles, snuggling up on the sofa & having the cat curled up on my lap, happily purring away!
seeing the two little ones sound asleep and safely tucked up.
Taking my stupid high shoes off my skirt i cant breath in off and putting Pjs and slippers on!
"feeling relieved"

Thinks: must put rabbit batteries on shopping list
Having a nice hot bath, getting into my PJs, then climbing into bed with fresh bed covers and having my boyfriend cuddle me while I fall asleep...
glug glug glug of the first glass.....!!!!!
knowing i can have a great sleep ..i always say to my self s*d everything best time of the day lol
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Same as CAJ1's, except I think she might be a bit miffed at her boyfriend cuddling me part ;-)
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Mr spock i have still a good body and face,remember you will always be older than me, betcha u are loostening ure kecks!!!
Getting into bed and trying to remember what page of my book I fell asleep at the night before!
lol Boo!

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Whats the best feeling at the end of the day apart from sex???

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