do you have eczema? make sure you do not use any soap at all use bath oil instead your doc will give you this. another thing that can cause it is painkillers with codeine in them or some food colourings. take an antihistamine before going to bed you can get non drowsy ones again you can get good ones on prescription. my daughter has had eczema since she was a baby and although it must be bad for her, i can hear her tearing her skin in the next room and flinging herself about the bed at night and it wakes me up and i can't get back to sleep. your doctor will be really helpful if you pay a visit even put heavy cream on (unperfumed of course) and put tubifast bandages on for a few nights. evening primrose helps but takes weeks to work. orange juice makes you itchy as does cheesy pasta out of a box, there are a lot of foods that my daughter loves but can't have. dairy products make the itch worse as does whey powder which is in a lot of tinned foods and crisps but obviously life would be miserable if you cut everything out so just be a bit careful until you find out what's the worst for you. don't use any bubble bath at all..and last but not least stress is a major factor in making you itchy..even subconsciously..things like exams or just lifes ups and downs...good luck...