T.he lower rate of care component is�17.75 per week, the same as lower rate mobility.
Again, as she is also in debt, I would suggest CAB. The would be able to helh you negotiate with lenders, set realistic repayments etc. Direct debits might be an answer as there is less temptation.
A word of warning, people with alchohol abuse problems may use spare cash for booze rather on essential bills or arrears and sometimes can hide or lie about it. I am not saying this is the case in any way with your friend so please believe me I am casting no aspersions about her.
However it is the case with some.
I would suggest you have a word with your local Alchohol Advisary Service, anonymously if needs be. They would be unable to give direct information about your friend, but they might be able to give information about support services in your area
Hope this helps