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try saying this ...

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joggerjayne | 23:53 Tue 02nd Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
One smart fellow; he felt smart.

Two smart fellows; they felt smart.

Three smart fellows; they all felt smart.


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Or ...

Six stick shifts stuck shut.
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Or ...

Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers.
polish it behind the door lol
red lorry yellow lorry
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Six sick hicks nick six slick bricks with picks and sticks
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This should have been posted in ... Phrases and Sayings
who gives a damn
and i followed




yellow welly yellow welly

o yella jelly yella belly x or summit like that
or yella jelly yella belly

o forgot now x

or chase the fork and knife round the table
Mwhahaha!! Say it again slowly, monts! x

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