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caught out!

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sara3 | 20:46 Thu 01st Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I've just got back from my brother-in-law's. my niece gave (belated) Christmas presents, and mine was a very nice bottle of bubble bath.. a bit pricey and smells lovely and I should know because...

I gave it to her as a stocking filler last year!

ever been caught out, or caught someone else out?


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my mother in law gave me a box of chocolates one year, when i took the wrapping paper off i thought something did not look right, but in all the hustle and bustle of christmas day i did not take too much notice.later when i opened the box of choc`s there was no sellophane wrapper and 4 chocs missing out of the box lol, so she had either been given them herself,decided she did not like them and re wrapped them for me, or bought them and decided to try them first lol
oh dear sara lol, well at least you can enjoy the lovely bubbles eh

I saw my cousin get caught out when she gave her sister one of these 'family album' type books and when her sister opened it there was stuff written in it etc lol

She phoned her and told her whilst I was there hahaha
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ewwww, lorri.. gross!

when I got engaged I received a knife block from my cousin. I couldn't get it out of the packaging and after much pushing and pulling it came out.. with a card that said, "To Tracey (my cousin) and Paul, congratulations on your wedding with love from... "

at least be careful when re-gifting!
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nice one, weeal! I wish I'd had the nerve to say something to my niece. my daughter thinks I should give it back to her nexy year!
when I was a child my brother once had a present from our father, it was an empty box with a sticker on saying ,merry christmas this is your very own action man deserter.
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oh Pru.. please say you made that up!
no, honestly its true, my family never forgot it!!!! I still try to make up for it even to this day, I buy him fine wines and malt scotch whisky, he says nothing but my intuition tells me it still hurts.
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That's brilliant Pru - reminds me of the year we gave my brother in law a cassette tape of Marcel Marceau's greatest hits. It took him a while to fathom it
as a stocking filler I gave him a christmas cake and a bottle of cognac, two vouchers for pizza hut and a family ticket to alton towers. i deserve to be sectioned under the mental health act, always thought i was sane
I think you are begining to understand me knobby but you must go back into my family tree, the eyres of hassop, if you don't you have no chance, trying my best to help, big party if you succeed. clue if you are up for a challenge, my sister maria , knobby if you **** this up, sorry cant help anymore, knobby if any other person could solve this riddle, I would offer it to open house, but somehow however misguided my effort it falls to you, I am, and by a pure accident of fate still am existant, i mean with all my heart trying to help us all. There only two who understand my condition and status, on this site and JJ is my best hope , knobby i think I may have your attention, don't go public, work on what I have given you and get back,
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Is it just me or is everyone talking bobbledy gook.
please feel free to email me at [email protected]

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caught out!

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