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When I was...................

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MWB | 22:29 Mon 23rd Feb 2009 | Jokes
8 Answers
in London, I went to buy some chocolates. The cashier said, "That will be ten pounds." I said, "Rub it in why don't you?"


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are you here all week?
i hope so lol
Lol. I remember buying a particular Easter egg last year. Chose a nice looking but small egg for �7. 99p. When I got to the checkout, the assistant said how much it was. "Bit cheap, isn't it?" i said a bit sarcastically.
"Ok then, " she said. "I can round it upo to �8 if you want!"
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Chocolate makes your clothes shrink.
oh yeah i get it now
Mon 23/02/09
21:38 Question Author

Chocolate makes your clothes shrink.

Funnier than the original. Thanks.
Nice one Far too clever for me tho.
MWB. And I thought I was gettin fat. Thanks, I`ll tell the missus.

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When I was...................

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