Can anyone give me a clue as to why my bay tree, well bush really, has started to develop browning leaves at the top. It's planted in a very large tub in the garden and has grown really well since I bought it last year to replace one which I had grown in a similar pot for many years. Any ideas would be appreciated as I don't really want to buy a new one every year. Thanks in advance for suggestions.
Thanks Hawkwalk, definitely hasn't dried out but could well be frost as it's been a lot colder here than we normally have. Will try pruning and keep my fingers crossed. Thanks very much.
its a Mediterranean plant. it will be frost damage. if its small enough move it next to your house until the warmer months. it will be warmer and sheltered there.
Thanks to all for your valuable help and advice, we have had a pretty cold winter and snow which lay for a few days which doesn't normally hapen wher we live. Your assistance is much appreciated.