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joesdaddy | 22:01 Wed 22nd Apr 2009 | Food & Drink
4 Answers
Made a pasta dish using some tescos chorizo ,brilliant except my 3 year old went crazy , running around in circles eyes all lit up must be some of the e numbers in it .Even a small piece on a pizza does it has any body else experienced this or what makes yours go crazy.


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When my eldest son (now a teenager) was young the only fizzy drink he could drink without going crazy was lemonade, and some sweets, especially chewits and astros were banned in our house!
lol sounds like fun for him :)
My son went completely daft on cola full fat or diet !- talked a million words to the minute and ran around like a complete idiot.
From a Times Online article on food additives...

''Tesco said that it was already operating an additive �hit list� and was working hard to completely remove them from its products and those sourced from suppliers. A spokeswoman said : �Tesco already operates an additive hit list which is line with the list from the Hyper Active Children�s Support Group''.

Maybe they've missed something in their chorizo.

I'd contact Tesco and tell them what you've told us.

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