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stokemaveric | 23:12 Thu 30th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
44 Answers
live near to anyone famous?....[or even a little bit famous]?


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I see them quite often & have a bit of chat in the street.

Lovely people.

Why would anyone want to talk to the weird bag/cat lady that live with a hundred cats and no man wants her?

Maybe they do chat to you out of pity or fear that you might climb in their window and slit their throats ya weird drongo! LOL
We live (Nr Peasmarsh in East Sussex) and are about three quarters of a mile from Paul McCartney.
Short day today. I'm off to spend the arvo wiff me Mum.

See ya ll tonight.

Ka kite ano.
Pete Agnew out of Nazareth

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