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a mate....

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stokemaveric | 19:28 Sat 02nd May 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
of mine bought a second hand washing machine a few weeks ago and the long and short of it is that it now doesnt work and he has lost the reciept...the shop doesnt want to know and says he must produce the reciept.....does he have any rights??? do any of you good people know?..thanx in advance......


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Did he pay by Visa/debit card etc? His card statement will show proof of the transaction...
Question Author
he paid cash snags....only �100 but he has recently split up with his mrs and has moved into a as you can guess he is trying to get some stuff together...he is gutted..
He's fcuked then ;-)
............if not the shop surely with the
from both sides stokey without the receipt they dont know if he got it there

maybe they could look at it and try to fix it evn at a reduced rate?

otherwise hes just got a lump of scrap.

maybe you could contact them for him and d mediate as such?

failing that he may be cheaper just getting another secondhand one ?
was it expensive?

how much and automatic or washer dryer ?
was it delivered and installed by the shop or did he pick it up himself? If they gave him a hand written reciept they can look for the duplicate, go to the CAB on tuesday
Question Author
thanx for all your replies....looks like hes shafted then....ill borrow him the money then for another 1.....
just to look at this from a slightly different angle, why doesn't it work? whats it not doing?

You'd be surprised how many faults on washing machines are easy and cheap to fix and a lot of them are just due to blockages which are free to fix (and a blockage of some sort is very common in machines that have recently been moved)
here er/4798033/c_1/1%7Ccategory_root%7CKitchen+and +laundry%7C12108409/c_2/2%7Ccat_12108409%7CWas hers+and+dryers%7C12108616/c_3/3%7Ccat_1210861 6%7CWashing+machines%7C12108617.htm

braand new automatic .
extra 5.80 for delivery or collect at store for only 156.49 with a years guarantee may be his best bet .

hope that helped ?
sorry delivery only

chuck is right a coin in the pump filter or a button

if its the programmer then get to argos and buy your mate a washer
Question Author
thanx are.......A LEGEND.................
,lol stokey+
there mnay be cheaper

but to be honest
a brand new machine with a years warranty for 160 delivered has to be better than second hand

if you have a card for argos you can get 3 months interest free and ur mate pay you back

but i reckon theers a gift comin from the gee gees to him

eh ??
I go to asda's to get a washer.

And the little coloured ginbo boys in the car park make quite a good job of washing my car

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a mate....

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