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quiet day at the office

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joggerjayne | 12:05 Mon 20th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Is it just me?


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well I'm not here.
Hi Jayne,
Very quiet indeed. I have not been on here much lately as I am swamped at work with work!!!
Not so much quiet today, just dull and uninteresting!

wasn't the space station brilliant last night? It moved so fast!!!! I was amazed, and it was so clear to see with the naked eye, definately too fast to watch with bimoculars or a telescope as i am rubbish with either. I can't wait for it to come over again.
Didn't know there was one going over
well there is only one karma!! Stoke put a thread up last nbight to warn us and i never expected to see anything but it was amazing, really clear and the constant bright light showed how fast it was going, way faster than an aeroplane, like a really reallt fast jet
oh karma just read this on WBM,s thread:

Mon 20/07/09
06:07 Morning Waterboatman and Hippy.nice here this morning in Leics. Skies cleared for view of spacestaion last night. Tonights time is 10 32 and it's another 6 minute view..Won't be many more after this week.Have a nice day all and all to follow.
oh right might check it out thanks
hi jj,
i've a wee belly bug the noo and feel a tad bloated
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Aww, steg ...

Poor you ... !

lol i feel better noo that i've had a bit sympathy :)
had to do some training this morning, not fun. it was with a technophobe.......
Hi JJ, its a Fair Monday here so a wee bank holiday for me :P

Hiya steeggggy, how'd you get on stripping xx
hayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyysssssssssssiiiiiiiiiiiiiii xx
everything is bare now lol

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quiet day at the office

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