Another day of fixing ahead. We've done lots of things behind the scenes to speed up the site, I hope you can see some of the differences. We've also done a bit of colouring in for original posters.
We will fix the problem of taking you back to the homepage after submitting a question.
The Clock will be fixed today.
We will also review latest posts - it should not show the latest poster on a question. The issue everyone seems to have is the lack of a refresh button and it the way it doesn't immediately show your post. Is this correct?
I have been informed you will only be re-writing your vote - votes are tied to accounts, meaning we can trace those who have voted. Your last vote will be the only one which "counts," choose wisely!
What is the Featured articles section about. Cant see the point of this. People come on Answerbank to answer or ask questions. If you want to know about things you can google, and you wouldnt want to be randomly looking at featured articles IMHO.
okay, so now the Qs I Answered archive has reappeared... APPARENTLY! But when you actually click on an old thread it just calls up the homepage. Still some tweaking to be done?