Good evening everyone and once again may I be the one to welcome you in her ladyships absence.
Lost property is minimal and consists of the usual umbrellas and rainmates plus a rather bedraggled pair of pink blommers (if not claimed I can utilise them as dusters)
Will rustle up the liquid refreshments, make yourselves comfy
i have brought you in a crocheted toilet roll holder to put by for the xmas raffle,are we going on a xmas trip this year,and are you giving us our xmas dinner,i dont want to sit on my own with a wee cracker and microwave dinner
Oh yes we must arrange a christmas bash and I`m sure we could hold it in the upper lesser lower private public enamelled dining room, will check with her ladyship when she returns from massy,, meessaa... err the states
Maybe her ladyhship will bring back a turkey (not that I care for it myself) I could knit some sage and onions (oops onions aren`t de rigeur at the mo are they)?
oh of course halloween first but a bad fairy surely I will be the wicked witch of the under pantry and we can do apple bobbing but anyone ith dentures be warned this can be problematic