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who has started their.....

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stokemaveric | 17:24 Fri 06th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
xmas shoppping yet??


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hi stokie- bit of a stranger
hows things
''who has started their xmas shoppping yet??''

Reported. Just plain silly. ;-p
I have bought the Mums chocs , so does that count ?
I lost most of my Christmas money by backing the horses that you tip!:-(
The Right Honourable Snags of Howler is a well happy person !!!!
No, I haven't yet. I bought next year's calendar yesterday and thought I had been good.
Yep, waiting to post some tomorrow.
No-one to buy for ;(
Hi stokie.

Got a couple of things sorted for my Sister and youngest Nephew. I've only started in the last 48 hours but been planning since Boxing Day 2008.
You can get me one postdog...I'll but you one back :-)
I have done most of mine now, managed to get alot of good offers early in the season as of course retailers know people will pay through the nose for stuff by the end of november
Mine is all finished, started in Sept.
At the risk of being expelled-- am not doing Christmas

Have a grown up family all living abroad , no grandchildren , no relatives, no parents etc.Will see my friends in and out but we don't do cards or pressies.

Live alone with my dog , so need for cards , presents, and trimmings.etc

Will have a nice Lancashire hot pot for Christmas dinner , with cheese wine and crackers later.

But will spend hours on the phone and computer.

On Boxing day the golden oldies in the close where i live all meet at mine , bring goodies to eat , the wine and beer flows , there is music and they stay for most of the day.Some of them bring Christmas decorations with them and make my home festive in spite of.
So that is Christmas, we also have a collection for charity the name being drawn out of a hat. Everyone puts in around a fiver so the sum is quite handsome.

That's Christmas done and dusted.

So to answer the question have i done my Christmas shopping -- nope -- will wait for the sales in Jan or before.

Love . Brenda.x
Yes, having a husband, two daughters, three granddaughters, one grandson, family & friends, I've started buying bits & bobs for Christmas & the secret bags are starting to fill up already! How exciting!

Mind you, two of the granddaughters will be 10yrs & 7yrs on 4th Dec (sisters born on the same day 3 yrs apart), so are looking into buying birthday presents too!

All good fun!
...not forgettting our dear little cat Milly!

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