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Where has

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lilsecret | 13:29 Sun 22nd Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Wonky Dongle gone?


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Disappeared...we all knew it was going to happen. It wasn't NoK btw.
Who then?

Not the "Man with no name" ?
Noknowledge was posting this morning as Dongle-Wonker, and then up pops this clone Wonker-Dongle, or whatever.

See Dongle-Wonkers posting about 'Don't blame me.............'
Wongle was posting last night...
An odd pastime getting banned on websites.

Its like building a reputation as the man who gets barred from pubs but in this case never gets to order a beer.

Just a bit odd thats all
Perhaps 'tis the other way round then.
Wongle made the anagram last night, and noknow devised his this morning as a reaction to that.

Either way up, we know that the one who has just disappeared was the unpleasant one. And we are just waiting for noknow to come back with........what was it ? Two orange buckets and a digital shower. :o)
I think I'll go back to bed........
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Jack...dongle was first.
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