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You can ring my bell

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4getmenot | 11:52 Wed 06th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Still havent had a no.6 put on my front door. So i emailed the building company yesterday to chase it up and they replied saying 'im sorry suppliers were short on numbers 3, 5 and 6' So i said 'ok can you order me a no.9. It was totally lost on them


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lol.. they sound really smart!
want me to make you one?
maybe they're still foggy after New Year 4get?

Hope you are enjoying the new place
Question Author
My new place is lovely we hade unpacked in a day :-) Night before we moved we slept on a matress in flat living room and watched as loads of snow fell and we had thunder and lightening at same time!! Didnt think removal men would turn up, but they did.

And redcrx bulding company should put one on to match the others on site
Maybe you could order two lots of number three?

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You can ring my bell

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