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john1066 | 14:54 Mon 08th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Just been for a stroll along the seafront. boy was that cold or what? Do you walk or do you catch a bus, say under 5 miles?


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Walk? If it was, say, 4 miles?

You must be joking!
i work roughly 1.5 miles from home so i walk it. on rainy days or when i'm working at the pub i'll get a taxi home, but the maj of the time i walk. i enjoy it in the mornings as it usually wakes me up (not always though)
I tend to walk unless I have things to carry....

Me and my cousins were out last week...decided we'd go to the pub...and just kept walking....and walking...we were having a nice time...just walking.
my doctor says strolling is technically not exercise unless you are walking at a brisk pace and getting out of breath.

I like walking, I try to walk several miles daily
Round a golf course?
well yes ;) , I do normal walking as well, golf is 4 times a week at 6 miles a time, normal is around 2 miles a time.
I use to walk loads. 8 miles a day taking my son to school. He's goes on his own now and I've put on about a stone in weight.

Not a bad thing according to ginger....most of it has gone on my boobs...
lol, bless those men and their boob obsessions..
I know it's quite funny....he just stares at them.
Are you walking along Hastings seafront ? 1066 country .
Ummmm, the boob thing is nature. We can't help it. We're just trying to make sure any potential offspring have enough to eat. It's nothing rude or sexual. Honest

I try not to walk to much but I work six storeys down and we have no lift so do that trip 5 or 6 times a day, plus gym work and football.

However, I HATE the gym :(
Can't stand walking for no apparent reason, I need to know where I'm going otherwise I find it a pointless waste of time. And I particularly hate walking in the countryside where people tell me to breath in the air and I inhale the smell of fresh cow dung (usually just as I step in it).

The only time I don't mind just strolling along are for walks by the sea.
I like to walk. Walking helps me to 'clear' my mind. Unless I'm going somewhere very, very far I usually walk.

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