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Bobbisox | 11:39 Wed 10th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers mate has just text me to ask me to do her a favour by ringing her mobile as she said she had lost it!
I did and she answered by laughing like a drain and saying
"I knew it would be you, how could I text you if I had lost my phone?"

More to the point , can anyone see why that was pulled?
Bobbi ♥


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why would that be pulled ???/
Lol....I've been on the mobile while I'm gathering stuff to go out. Ginger asked me what I was looking for....I said my phone...You're on it you idiot...!!!
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it's not so funny anymore tho' I was laughing and going to share my daftness with you all
and the ED pulled the thread !
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Hi Tullia I am going to try in someone, bet they don't do
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Hi Bobbi.

No one pulled that thread.

I would suggest "user error" here.

I think I am going to try this one later. Sounds like a good wind up!

Spare Ed
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moi doing using error...never
How the heck does a drain laugh, Bobbi!? :-)

What was it? Why what was pulled? Was it to long? lol

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Try Again......

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